How I already describe myself, Um.
Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.
I definitely feel stressed. Yeah, that’s like we’ve been incredibly difficult and painful the last several months.
Absolutely. Of course.
Um yeah, I mean I’m sleeping on the factory floor, not because I think that’s like a fun place to sleep. You know? Terrible.
Sleeping on the factory floor doing, why are you doing that?
There isn’t enough time to go home and shower.
I sleep on the couch over there.
So you’re just laying here on the couch.
It’s that simple?
Yes. I don’t believe like people should be experiencing hardship, while the ceo is like, off on vacation.
The truth is stranger than fiction.
Okay, this is why it’s important and even if the odds are that it won’t succeed, it’s worth trying to do it, then I think you can create a great company.
Do you see the difference between a startup that is successful and one that is not? And it’s because the successful one they both made mistakes, but the successful one, recognized the mistakes, fixed them very quickly and the unsuccessful one tries to deny that the mistakes exist.
You know, extremely smart people are sometimes quite arrogant, because they believe in what they believe in. Right? And so when they face criticism, it’s less likely to admit, you know, they they can make mistakes.
Was that in your case?
I learned it when I was doing uh when I was studying physics. That, you know, in physics, you’re taught to always question yourself, you’re taught to always assume that you’re wrong not to assume that you’re right, and you have to prove yourself, not, not wrong, and so I think that that physics framework is really where, where I learnt it and it’s very effective for, and for learning counter-intuitive, things that aren’t obvious.
物理学を勉強していた時に、それを学びました。物理学では 常に自分を疑うことを教えられ、常に自分が間違っていると仮定し、自分が正しいと仮定しないことを教えられ、自分が間違っていないことを証明しなければなりません。物理学の枠組みは私が学んだ場所であり、直感に反すること、明らかにならないことを学ぶのに非常に効果的です。
So you are very famous in saying that failure is actually an option and if you’re not failing, that means you’re not innovative.
Yeah, it’s not like that, like failure. Who likes failure, it’s terrible. But if you only do things that are certain to succeed. Then you’re only going to be doing very obvious things. When you’re building something new, there’s going to be mistakes and it’s important to to recognize those mistakes, acknowledge them, and take corrective action. And the success of a company is very much more about how quick are you to fix the mistakes, not will you make mistakes…
Or admit mistakes.
If you’re creating a company, or if you’re joining a company, the most important thing is to attract great people. So either join a group, that’s amazing that you really respect or if you’re building a company, you’ve got to gather great people and all the company is is a group of people that have gathered together to create a product or service and so depending upon how talented and hard-working that group is, and the degree to which they are focused cohesively in a good direction, that will determine the success of the company.
So do everything you can to gather great people, if you’re creating a company, then i’d say focus on signal over noise. A lot of companies get confused, they spend money on things that don’t actually make the product better. So, for example, at Tesla, we’ve never spent any money on advertising, we put all of the money into R&D and manufacturing and design to try to make the car as good as possible. And I think that’s the way to go.
So for for any given company just keep thinking about are these efforts that people are expending, are they resulting in a better product or service. If they’re not stop those efforts and then the final thing is, don’t just follow the trend. You may have heard me say that it’s good to think in terms of the physics approach of first principles, which is, rather than reasoning by analogy, you boil things down to the most fundamental truths you can imagine, and you reason up from there and this is a good way to figure out if something really makes sense or if it’s just what everybody else is doing.
It’s hard to think that way you can’t think that way about everything it takes a lot of effort but if you’re trying to do something new, it’s the best way to think and that framework was developed by physicists to figure out counter-intuitive things like quantum mechanics. So it’s really a powerful, powerful message. And then I think the final thing I would encourage you to do is, now is the time to take risk. As you get older, your obligations increase and once you have a family, you start taking risk, not just for yourself, but for your family as well. It gets much harder to do things that might not work out. So now is the time to do that before you have those obligations. So I would encourage you to take risks now do something bold, you won’t regret it.
I think I feel feel fear quite strongly. So it’s not as though I just have the absence of fear I’ve, I feel quite strongly. Um, but there are just times when something is important enough, you believe in it enough that you do it in spite of fear. People shouldn’t, well, I feel fear about this and therefore I shouldn’t do it. Um, it’s normal to be to feel fear. When starting SpaceX, I thought the odds of success were less than 10% and I just accepted that, actually, probably, I would just lose, lose everything but that maybe would make some progress. If we could just move the ball forward even if we died, maybe some other company could pick up the baton and move and keep moving it forward. So that we still do some good. Um yeah, same with Tesla, I thought odds of a car company succeeding were extremely low.
And you almost had a nervous breakdown. Where did the tenacity or the resilience come from?
Um, but I mean, I remember the closest I ever came to nervous breakdown. I never had I never thought I was someone who, you know, I thought nervous breakdowns that’s ridiculous. You know, who could? Why would people have such a thing? But I remember waking up on the sunday before Christmas, and in 2008 and thinking, like, damn, this is the closest i’ve ever gotten, you know um and it was looking pretty grim. Because at that point, you know, we even though the fourth launch of spacex had succeeded, we were still running out of money because we had three, we had three failures, and only one success, still not enough. And, and then the financing around for tesla had not closed and we had only two days, maybe three to like, it was like two or three days maybe, to close it before Christmas. Um so I was like, Man, this is, this could be a really bad end of the year, maybe both companies will fail.
でも神経衰弱に一番近い状態だったのは覚えています。自分がそんな人間だと 思ったことはない 神経衰弱なんて バカげてると思ってました 誰がなるんだ?どうしてそんなことになるんだろう?でも、2008年のクリスマスの前の日曜日に目が覚めて、「ああ、これは今までで一番近いところに来たんだ」と思ったのを覚えています。なぜなら、スペースXの4回目の打ち上げが成功しても、3回の失敗と1回の成功で、まだ資金が足りなかったからです。テスラへの融資はまだ終了しておらず、クリスマス前までに締め切るまでに2日か3日しかありませんでした。それで私は、これは本当にひどい年末になるかもしれない、もしかしたら2社とも倒産してしまうかもしれないと思いました。
Did you cry? Scream?
I wasn’t. I didn’t cry.
Smash your apartment.
My sleep was difficult.
You have to think critically enough. I mean, there’s critical thinking is a skill in shorter time, where people, people take too many things as they assume too many things to be true without sufficient bases in that belief. So it’s very important that people closely analyze what what is supposed to be true and try to build up. Try to say let’s analyze things from first principles, not by not not, not by analogy, or not, by convention, if you assume things are true by convention, which is actually what most people do, then it’s difficult to gain insight into what kind of things can be better. So, you know, in any argument, or any sort of train of thinking, you want to make sure that you have the underlying premises are valid and applicable and, you know, and then, in reaching a conclusion that the conclusion you’re reaching is necessarily driven by the underlying premises and the interconnection between those premises. That may seem like a really simple thing to say, but most people don’t do that. So it’s really the foundation of rational thought. I think also people tend to overweight risk. On a personal level, it’s one thing if you’ve got, you know, a mortgage to pay, kids to support and then if you were to deviate from your job that well how you’re going to feed your family and friends. Okay, that’s understandable. But let’s say you’re young, and you’re just coming out of college or coming out of high school, whatever the what are your risks? You know, you’re not going to stop. I mean, it’s really certainly not in any kind of modern economy. It’s so easy to earn enough money just to live somewhere where you can. That’s that’s very easy to do. So if you I don’t know what you, are they afraid of? They’re mostly afraid of failure I think. But people should be less risk averse when there’s not much at risk.